about the EBS
the European Bible School startet as an effort to equip Christians for their service.
Different lessons on main subjects like "How to use a biblical text in a sermon" "Groupdynamics" and how to deal with them, Church History, OT and NT survey...were held.
The sessions were designed to help non fulltime leaders to be more competent in their efforts to serve God in and outside the church. The format more irregular but roughly 3 times a year in Budapest, Hungary because at the time that was a very cheap European hub and many Eastern European Brothers and Sisters were able to attend the EBS. But sessions were also held in Zurich, Switzerland and in Stockholm Sweden
the EBS developed more into a formal training with a curriculum and e-learning
As the Organizers of the EBS tried to listen to what God was doing it became clear that there seemed to be a need for a more organized way of learning...