November 2020
Strength in Weakness
audios for participants only (When you click on the link, you can request to be unblocked)
The Bible & Homosexuality: Texts, Hermeneutics & Pro-Gay Theology
Many churches and followers of Jesus have capitulated to the false teaching that says one can be gay and a Christian. Guy
discusses why this is wrong and unpacks arguments used by pro-gay apologists.
Female Same-Sex Attraction and Gender Dysphoria
Join Ellen Radcliff, a wife, mother and licensed professional counsellor as she shares her story of leaving a lesbian life.
Ellen will also help us understand the complex topic of gender dysphoria and transgender.
Talking to Our Children About Sexual Ethics
Our children have been exposed to a consistent presentation of homosexuality as healthy and satisfying by the media and their
schools. How should parents respond? Learn from parents who have walked this rocky road with great courage and faith.
How to Help Same-Sex Attracted Followers of Jesus
Guy will help you understand the unique challenges that same-sex attracted Christians face and give you the tools needed to help
them stay faithful to Christ for the long term.